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Izzy is based in London and is a freelance Graphic Designer. She also a part of The Way, a digital youth platform, where she is a content producer and presenter.
Dan Walker is a journalist with over twenty years’ experience. He is currently the anchor on Channel 5’s evening news programme and is a regular presenter/host on television and radio. Dan has authored a number of books including “Standing on the Shoulders”. Dan lives in Sheffield with his family.
Dan will be speaking on Thursday afternoon in Studio 36 in Skegness.
Luke Aylen is a priest, author, theologian and campervan enthusiast currently ministering from Hilfield Friary in Dorset. His background includes a range of creative work in video and stage, and several years as Spring Harvest's creative coordinator.
Dr Andrew Ollerton is a theologian, pastor and popular communicator. He developed 'The Bible Course' with Bible Society and is also author of 'Romans: A Letter that makes sense of life' (Hodder) and 'The Bible: A story that makes sense of life' (Hodder). Andrew is married to Charlotte. They have four chickens, three kids, two fish, a snake and a dog.
Count Everyone In offer a warm welcome to everyone at the daily celebrations, especially if you’re an adult with a learning disability. What can you expect? Fun, friendship and a faith filled programme. There will be drama, flags, signing, prayer, Bible teaching and laughter but also awesome God-filled silences as the Holy Spirit moves among us.
At both Minehead and Skegness there will be morning Celebrations and afternoon workshops, including one on Makaton.
John Reynolds is a full time content creator, with over a decade of youth ministry experience, and is passionate about equipping the emerging generations with the tools they need to have a faith that lasts. His passion for story telling and comedy led him to start producing family/comedy social media content where he has almost 1 million followers across all platforms. He and wife Jade recently released their first book 'Able to Laugh: Finding Joy though the Struggle is Real.'
Jade Reynolds is a theology graduate, speaker and podcast host. Since being paralysed aged 12, Jade has shared her testimony of God’s faithfulness and taught on suffering in churches, schools, conferences, on podcasts and on the radio. Together with her husband, John, she runs the Christian podcast “Bring to Light” which explores faith and life through humour, stories and thought-provoking teaching. She is passionate about seeing disability normalised in society and the church. She and husband John recently released their first book 'Able to Laugh: Finding Joy though the Struggle is Real.'
Rufaro is part of the leadership team at !Audacious Church in Manchester. Week on week, he brings faith-filled fun to their kid's ministry, but his passion is for big believers and little believers alike. His mission is to connect God's people with his love, and bring them into relationship with his house and his family.
Rufaro means happiness, so he is always ready to bring the fun and joy. Church should be as fun as it is transformative! He is truly privileged to represent, lead and disciple in God's kingdom. Having been a Young Adults pastor for many years, he loves that space and is excited to see what God is unlocking in this generation.
Robin Vincent is the chief executive of Care for the Family, a national charity that aims to strengthen family life and help those families going through difficulties. Robin has planted and led several churches, including within the most deprived areas of the UK. He also cofounded a social action project, that was awarded the QAVS. He is married to Hannah, and they have two children.
Sammy is a preacher and musician. Currently studying Biblical Studies at Nazarene Theological College, Sammy loves digging deeper into God’s word and encouraging others to see the beauty of the gospel. She is also a member of the Spring Harvest Planning Group.
Sammy will be hosting in The Gathering celebration in Skegness. And leading the 16-18s youth team, as well as hosting in The Pursuit celebration in Minehead.