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Want to come to Spring Harvest but travelling solo?
We've made it easier for you to get accommodation without having to pay an under-occupancy fee. If you're willing to share an apartment with others, you can now come for as little as £199.
Our new “Willing To Share” offer is for those of you who want to come to Spring Harvest, but who might be willing to share a room with someone who you may or may not already know. If you’re a married couple or you want to bring a friend you can use this offer too and be allocated your own room in a shared apartment.
Here's how it works:
To reserve your place, please email your name, contact details, date of birth and choice of either Skegness (11th-15th April) or Minehead (18th-22nd April) to We will confirm your reservation within 2 working days.
Willing To Share Ts & Cs: To qualify, you must be aged 18 or over. This offer is for accommodation only. You will be responsible for your own meals. Your booking will be administered by Spring Harvest and therefore should the need for cancellation arise, you will receive a full refund. Your contract will be with Butlin’s and subject to the usual Butlin’s terms and conditions.