Spring Harvest want children to experience and learn about the love of Jesus in ways that are engaging and relevant for their young lives. Our theme-based programme helps them to grow in their understanding of who God is and what he has done for them by getting involved in lots of activities, including arts and crafts, Bible stories, drama and plenty of worship.
Working in small groups under the direction of the Programme Leader, you will ensure the children have lots of fun and will pick up on plenty of ideas to take back to your own church. You’ll be interacting with the children, praying with them and may even help a child give their life to Jesus.
Why not bring your experience of working with children and your passion for Jesus to help make an eternal impact on young lives. As well as being over 18 years of age, you will need to be a committed Christian, with age-appropriate experience of working with children in your local church or community and a clear Enhanced DBS certificate – we can help you with this if you don’t have one currently.
Minehead spaces, Skegness full
Role Description
We run theme-based programmes for children of different age groups and look for volunteers with age-appropriate experience to work in the following areas:
Skegness and Minehead: Kids 0-4 - two morning sessions and at least one afternoon session and one evening session through the week on a rota basis.
New for Minehead 2025: Kids 5-11 – this year our 5-7s and 8-11s programmes are combining at Minehead. There will still be one full morning session daily and one early evening session daily, plus possible attendance at The Big Start.
At Skegness: Kids 5-7 – one full morning session daily plus possible attendance at The Big Start.
At Skegness: Kids 8-11 - one morning session and one early evening session daily.
Each Kids programme venue has Door Stewards to ensure the safety and security of the children. Opportunities to be involved in the programme’s activities in this role are limited but is a vital to ensuring the safety of all involved in the programme.
Each age-group has an Additional Needs Coordinator and needs volunteers to help alongside them. As well as the duties listed you will also be asked to:
Provide appropriate care to children with additional needs, enabling them to participate in the programme as fully as possible.
Liaise with the Coordinator regarding the specific care-needs of each child.
Please note your participation in the team requires you to be available to attend ALL sessions, every day, for the relevant age groups sessions.
Ensuring children are kept safe when in the programme.
Interacting with children within small groups, serving alongside and supervised by skilled and experienced leaders.
Teaching Biblical truths through stories, craft, games, music and drama.
Engaging in daily team meetings, prayer and worship.
Preparing materials, setting up and closing down venues and other tasks needed to aid the smooth running of the programme.
Participating in an evening babysitting rota across the break (Kids 0-4 and Kids 5-7 teams in SK only).
Recent age-appropriate experience of working with children.
Bags of energy as this team can be physically demanding.
To enjoy playing an active part in developing a child’s relationship with God.
Willingness to set aside any denominational emphasis.
Commitment to pray for, and with, children before and during Spring Harvest.
The ability to serve in a team under the supervision of the Programme Leader and Area Leaders.
Clothes that will not be spoilt by paint, glue, water or general children’s mess (team t-shirts are provided for some Kids Teams).
A basic level of training in child protection (further training will be provided).
Over 18 years of age.
A committed Christian, regularly and actively involved in a local church.
Willing and able to complete an online registration form.
Able to provide details of someone in leadership of the church you are currently attending as a referee.
Able to provide a clear Enhanced DBS Certificate for Spring Harvest.
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