Phone: 01825 769000 | Email:

Butlin's charge for accommodation units as if all beds are occupied. Any beds not used in your accommodation will be charged at the adult price minus £20 (called 'the under occupancy rate'). Children age 2-14 are charged at the adult price minus £20. Under 2's go free when in a cot rather than a bed.

A small amount of single bedroom accommodation in Silver is available for one person to occupy, supplement £30. It is always popular. If you are coming alone and don't have friends or family members you can share a unit with and are unsuccessful in booking one of the single units, you might like to consider booking alternative local accommodation and buying a day visitor pass to join us.

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Spring Harvest is part of the Essential Christian family
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Essential Christian, registered charity number 1126997, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 06667924.
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