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Is world disarmament possible? 

Alan Storkey believes Christians can make it happen.

Most people know militarism and war are ruining the world. We have seen it on our screens for two years, but the long history is overwhelming. Since 1900, war has killed 200 million people, traumatised one billion directly, another one billion indirectly and destroyed tens of millions of homes. We have had two World Wars, a long Cold War and about 200 major wars until Russia/Ukraine and Gaza/Israel now. Weapons provoke aggression and wars keep coming. We know they do not work – both sides lose. There are 100 million war refugees. It is clearly a broken system, the world’s biggest political problem.

Yet, we seem locked in. Countries arm to the hilt, encouraged by arms companies. It is the only option, we are told. "Arms will keep us safe." We all arm, and sooner or later we fight, like Goliath, believing we will win. It is the pattern of our lifetimes. There is talk of “defence”, but attacks continue and another war comes. Rumours of war pop up every day. We know that all must disarm to make a peaceful world. It is obvious, but it seems unthinkable. We are fatalist; there can be no other way.

Christianity offers another way. It is the Gospel of peace on Earth and the healing of the nations. It is swords into ploughshares and no longer training for war. Jesus insists on loving our enemies and solving quarrels. He brings down the mighty and is the Lamb on the world throne. He asks us to make peace, spread it and reject the fear of being killed. He warned that those who take up weapons perish by them. Jesus’ insistent resurrection words were, “Peace be with you”.

Since 1945 we have been taught, largely through the Cold War, that weapons (including nuclear ones) must run the show. By and large, Christians have succumbed to this idea and sidelined our faith in this regard. Peace is for Christmas cards and for a distant future. Perhaps Jesus was over-optimistic and idealistic. Surely we need to rely on weapons. There are evil people out there. Jesus is too nice, and perhaps he did not understand? But, of course, we know that he did. Peace works. Arms fail. Disarmament is crucial for a world now facing global warming. What if the real problem is that we are not doing Christianity?

How can disarmament happen? It is a big problem and needs a big solution. Not doing full world disarmament would be a waste of time; all arms are the problem. We must eradicate all weapons to give peace on earth and make all safe.

Half the world is under military dictatorships, but the Superpowers are just as stuck. How can pressure around the world be so powerful that all the belligerents fall in line to bring disarmament about? The answer is worldwide popular pressure. We already know it’s possible, although the militarists hide it. It worked to bring about the World Geneva Disarmament Conference in 1932 with petitions from millions around the globe. If the big powers are weak and have failed again, the little people need to do it.

Jesus helps. We need faith; it will move the mountain of arms. Surely, he was exaggerating? No, he insists that even faith as small as a mustard seed will dump the mountain in the sea. There are two billion Christians worldwide, a quarter of the world’s population. Can we see that we can do it by faith? Full world disarmament is really the most popular policy on the planet. So many stand for and vote for full World Disarmament. And we have instant mass media. The challenge is merely moving it to credibility. At a thousand people, it gets noticed. At ten thousand, people believe there is something in this. A hundred thousand becomes politics, a million is world-wide politics and a billion is unstoppable.

Ah, you say, not so fast. How can we possibly disarm the world? Actually, it is practical and safe, if everyone knows where you are going. If all were to cut weapons and armed forces budgets by 20% a year for five years, then they are all gone. Enemies disappear. We must all back this and insist on it through open inspection and policing. Arms companies would be subsidized to repurpose. States who might not comply would pay the cost of defence against them through world-wide tariffs and the UN would police the process. It is far easier than the present mess and would give the biggest economic bonus in human history.

The difficulty is the first bit, starting off. A Spring Harvest full of peacemakers who believe in Christian peace and disarmament can open the door. You simply put your vote on the table. It is harmless - two minutes work on your mobile phone or computer, and you back it to your church and friends. Your vote starts the process, gets it moving until it goes through to full world popular support and the UN. The UN Nuclear Abolition Treaty shows wider political will is already strong. You open the door. You act in faith, to see through to the big solution. Only if we sign can it happen.

Then, war would be no more. We fully disarm the world of weapons, destruction, killing and we police peace. Norfolk does it without thinking about it! By 2030 the world could be disarmed. We would also cut world CO2 emissions by 10%, addressing that other great threat to humanity.

And so, Jesus’ peace comes upon the earth and blesses us as the birds sing when the sun rises.   

You can add your name to the petition at

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