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My Spring Harvest


No Greater Story

March 21, 2025

The Spring Harvest 2025 Theme Book is No Greater Story - rediscovering your place in God's epic adventure. Leon Evans has helpfully split the content into three sections to help us explore the book of Isaiah and respond to it. We learn some theology in the Classroom, we apply it to our lives in the Living Room and we get practical and give things a go in the Playground. This supporting webpage is mentioned in each "Playground" section. Here you can find links to practical resources and ideas to take things further. We hope you find them useful.

The Creator in the Playground (Chapter 5)

My Life

We are uniquely created and wired by God and the 7 pathways can help us lean into who we are as well as learn from others. To help you identify which is your dominant pathway here’s a simple self assessment tool: Pathways-self-assessment-.docx

My Home

We are grateful to Care for the Family for their resources and ideas. Check out the Kitchen Table Project which they’ve kindly let us adapt for parts of this book.

My Church

For more information, resources and ideas for how your church can respond to environmental challenges please check out the following:

The Redeemer in the playground (Chapter 10)

My life

As you develop your story and begin to ask God to help you share that story with others, take some time to watch some inspiring teaching from Mark Greenwood. Mark is the national evangelist for Elim churches and a good friend who has helped our church by equipping people to share their story of God at work in their lives. Here’s a link to his Boot camp Lite series:

We are also so grateful to Alpha for their contribution world wide in helping others experience and encounter the greater story of God. There’s a great resource from Marie-Louise Aitken called ‘Keep it Simple’ which is a series of videos, take some time to check it out. There is also a book that accompanies the videos.

As a family and as a church we have loved partnering with Compassion UK and found that helping a child and their family out of poverty is such a worthwhile way we can live out the greater story of God. Having had the privilege of being in the home of the children we sponsor we’ve seen first hand what a transformation our prayers and financial giving can make. I’d encourage you to look into the work of Compassion UK either as a family or as a church.

My Home

We are grateful to Care for the Family for their resources and ideas check out the Kitchen Table Project.

My Church

One of the organisations I’m a part of is the Further Faster Network which exists to help churches become more outward focussed. We have many resources to inspire and equip churches as well as a free assessment tool to help you evaluate how outward focused your church is. For this and more information please check out the web site:

We also become outward focussed and redemptive as a church community when we embrace the needs of the most vulnerable in our society. Home for Good is an amazing organisation in partnership with Safe Families that helps inspire the church to play its part in fostering, adoption and supporting families. Please take a look at the worthwhile work they do and see how your church could get involved.

The Perfecter in the playground (Chapter 14)

My life

It can be easier the older we get to imagine our life is losing its value when it comes to the greater story of God, that our best and most useful days are behind us, but that’s not the truth! Gods greater story includes you whatever age you are! As I write this I’ve just heard at our church there’s a new leader of one of our small groups. She feels she has something to give and she is about to turn 90! I’d like to recommend the work of an incredible organisation called Faith in later life. Please take a look you may be surprised.

My Home

Care for the family produce so many amazing resources for families. Here’s an idea for a summer praise scavenger hunt as well as lots of other helpful resources.

My Church

As I finished this book, ‘No Greater Story’ I became increasingly aware I was not the only person writing a book on the greater story of God! It was a little bit like when you buy a new care and it appears everyone is driving a similar car! I can only surmise that God is wanting to tell his church something important in this season. The 24:7 movement have released an inspiring book called ‘The God Story’ written by Alain Emerson and Adam Cox. Alongside the book is an array of resources for you, your small group and your church. I’d encourage you to access these and dive deeper into the greater story of God.

You may want to prayer-walk for your community but not know how? The Message Trust produce resources to help you.

As you tap into your prophetic imagination as to what God might want to do in your community, be inspired by this video created by a church in the east end of London.



