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Be a 
Spring Harvest Hero

You can be part of the life-changing, community-transforming work we do. How? Become a Spring Harvest Hero!

Spring Harvest Heroes are people who give to us regularly. They are also people that give us a one off gift. Why give? We need your help. We are active all year round, locally and nationally, physically and digitally. We’re best known for our brilliant Easter festival weeks, hosted at the fantastic Butlin's resorts; for the best holiday packed full of Jesus! It takes a big investment to make these happen. You can partner with us in this work by praying, volunteering or with a financial contribution.

Your gifts help us to fight for the next generation, to become more accessible and to enable people on low incomes to enjoy the Spring Harvest events at Easter time. 

We work with our friends at Stewardship to maximise the giving income we receive.

Give Now

Make a one-off or regular donation of any amount:
We appreciate all gifts and are grateful for your generosity.

Other ways to give

Ways you can become a Spring Harvest Hero

One-off giving

Make a one-off gift to support Essential Christian, the home of Spring Harvest.
Give now

Regular giving

Become a partner and support the ministry going forwards.
Give now

Leave a legacy

Make a gift through your will that will see lives transformed for years to come!
Find out more
You can also give to us via bank transfer, cheque or CAF.
Find out more here.

Thank You

We are grateful for every one-off and regular gift, however large or small. We are making a difference, together. At the event in 2024, over 620 people made a commitment to follow Jesus. The majority were children and young people. Lives change at Spring Harvest. These ‘mountaintop moments’ with God can provide spiritual inspiration and sustenance for years to come.
  • In 2025, the ‘Everyone In Fund' helped more than 700 people come to Spring Harvest who couldn’t otherwise have received such inspiration, refreshment and encouragement.
  • The money raised in our offering helped Essential Christian to deliver Spring Harvest with as much accessibility as possible for children, young people and adults.
  • Giving continues to help us innovate digitally for ministry and mission. Our 'Spring Harvest Home' livestream reaches many who can't attend in person. Since 2023, event content is also streamed directly into  prison cells around the UK.
  • Our tithe has helped launch more than 20 new local church community projects that are being the hands
    of Jesus to those in need, all over the country.

All this, because of you!

Thank you for all you have given.

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Spring Harvest is part of the Essential Christian family
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Essential Christian, registered charity number 1126997, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 06667924.
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