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Spring Harvest Seed Fund

Ten percent of all one-off gifts given to Essential Christian through Spring Harvest (from 1 April to 30 June) is given away. It creates a seed fund to kickstart projects that show what life is like in Jesus' Kingdom. If God has given you a vision for it, it can become a reality.

Watch the videos below to find out more. You can apply! It could be for a community event, a school uniform project, a homeless café, something small, something big.

If you need some money to get started, we’d love to stand alongside you, provide that seed, and see the vision grow and bear fruit.

You can see stories of projects that have already received funding on our YouTube Channel
Apply to the Seed Fund now

Seed Fund Criteria

The Spring Harvest Seed Fund aims to support initiatives that promote the wellbeing of children and young people, share the good news of Jesus, and meet the needs of a local community.

Anyone seeking to apply for the seed funding should be:

  • An attendee of Spring Harvest at least once since 2022 - Minehead, Skegness or Home
  • A committed Christian and an active member of their local church
  • Able to assent to the Evangelical Alliance’s Basis of Faith
  • Seek funding between £500 and £2500 as an individual, or churches working together but not an organisation
  • Seek funding for a brand-new project, not an existing one
  • Able to provide two character references to attest to their Christian faith and character
  • A grant of £5000 may be considered if it is to establish a new youth group in a place not already served with youth work, to address existing youth issues within local communities. This will be positively considered if it requires collaborative efforts with other churches

Applicants are encouraged to submit detailed plans outlining the intended impact of their projects, target audience, and required resources for effective implementation.



Further notes

Promoting Wellbeing in Children and Young People

Projects should prioritise the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of children and young people. Eligible initiatives may include mental health support programmes, promotion of healthy lifestyles, fostering positive relationships, and providing opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Examples of suitable projects include mentoring programmes, recreational activities, mental health awareness campaigns, and support groups addressing specific challenges faced by children and young people.

Youth-Led Innovation

We encourage projects initiated and led by young people, leveraging their unique insights and perspectives to drive meaningful change within their communities. Youth-led initiatives should address issues relevant to their communities. Potential projects could include community gardens, urban green spaces, mental health workshops, creative arts initiatives, and technology-driven programmes addressing digital literacy and online safety.

Kickstarting New Youth Groups

These projects should be collaborative efforts involving other churches, aimed at addressing existing youth issues within localities. Proposals should outline clear objectives, activities, and outcomes aimed at enhancing the wellbeing and engagement of young people. Collaboration among churches will promote community cohesion and ensure effective resource utilisation. The £5000 grant could be used to contribute to the employment of a youth worker to facilitate the establishment and growth of the group, providing vital support and guidance to young people within their communities

A note on purchasing of equipment

Any technical equipment to be purchased by a grant from the seed fund will be agreed on a case by case basis, and the purchase of equipment should not be seen as setting a precedent for all applications.


A panel of Spring Harvest team and external advisors will meet on a regular basis to review applications.  They will then contact the successful applicants to further discuss the proposed project.  Once the review process is completed, applicants will be contacted, and those successful will be advised of the next steps. Spring Harvest will maintain contact with successful applicants in order to support and encourage, and where appropriate, share stories of the project with the Spring Harvest community.  We do ask that a written report of the project’s progress is submitted to Spring Harvest six months after the award of a grant.

Apply to the Seed Fund now
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